On our most recent trip to Spain, my husband and I created a list of things we missed at home during our two weeks away. We were sitting at a small cafe in Mallorca and I pulled out my Notes app to quickly add all of our ideas. These day-to-day luxuries reminded me of the importance of loving where you live, so that when the excitement of the long-time planned trip has come to an end, you are still looking forward to what is to come.
Here’s the list we came up with:
Starbucks Refresher
McDonald's Diet Coke
Iced Coffee
English muffins from Target
Yard work
Water my flowers
Make homemade lemonade
Make bread
Make the food from Spain
It was the little moments, like making daily coffee at our coffee bar, or a McDonald’s Diet Coke, that made us excited for home.

I am someone that is always working on finding something to look forward to, and I think a lot of life revolves around that gift. They don’t have to be huge, life-changing trips to qualify. In fact, sometimes, looking forward to decorating for the next season can be enough. But when I need the inspiration to keep moving forward, looking at the small things while being away can put it all back in perspective.
When reminiscing about everything we love about traveling, and everything we love about coming home, I saw the value in creating space for both in our lives. I also saw the importance of sharing these gifts with others, and through my photography around the world, or even in my own home, I wanted to share those ideas and findings with you, too.
Wherever in the world this finds you, I hope you join me in finding the next thing that is pushing you forward. And maybe this is the spot to inspire you to plan your next adventure, whether it be in your backyard or an ocean away.
